209 Women (2019)

Marysa Dowling - 209 Women (2019) Page Image

“209 Women marks 100 years since the first general election in which some women could vote. It seeks to champion the visibility of women: particularly in politics, where decisions are made that affect people of all genders. It features new portraits of the UK’s women MPs, shot entirely by photographers that identify as women. 

It launched on 14 December at the Houses of Parliament, 100 years to the day that the first women walked into polling stations to cast their ballots. Now, it opens in Liverpool with the full set being shown for the first time — including Sinn Féin MPs who abstained from showing their images in the Houses of Parliament.

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It’s an opportunity to reflect on how much progress has been made towards gender parity, whilst also highlighting how much more needs to be done, across all spheres of society, each and every day. 

Photography is a tremendously powerful medium of communication, yet all too often we see images in which women have had their agency denied. All the women in this project – both MPs and photographers – worked together to create images that communicated their identities on their terms: their own sense of justice, their own vision for a better world. “

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Stella Creasy MP for Walthamstow by Marysa Dowling, Walthamstow Photographer


Kate Abbey, Rhiannon Adam, Monika K. Adler, Claudia Agati, Eleonora Agostini, Isabella Akers, Andrea Allan, Amelia Allen, Jocelyn Allen, Carol Allen-Storey, Emily Andersen, Barbara Asboth, Joanne Banks, Lisa Barnard, Rosie Barnes, Del Barrett, Alison Baskerville, Poulomi Basu, Susan Bell, Debby Besford, Julia Biro, Emma Blau, Sian Bonnell, Sharon Boothroyd, Carla Borel, Polly Braden, Rachel Louise Brown, Linda Brownlee, Alicia Bruce, Tessa Bunney, Emma Campbell, Reme Campos, Carlotta Cardana, Alejandra Carles-Tolra, Wendy Carrig , Natasha Caruana, Emma Case, Aletheia Casey, Tereza Cervenova, Alicia Clarke, Joanne Coates, Hannah Collins, Vicki Couchman, Emma Critchley, Lottie Davies, Bex Day, Gemma Day, Kerry Dean, Venetia Dearden, Rosemary Despres, Suki Dhanda, Laura Dicken, Chrystal Ding, Kat Dlugosz, Marysa Dowling, Christian Doyle, Monika Drzewicz, Jillian Edelstein, Caroline Edge, Charlie Edwards, Sophie Ellen, Annabel Elston, Laura El-Tantawy, Elainea Emmott, Teresa Eng, Carole Evans, Jessa Fairbrother, Monika Fischbein, Sara Forino, Lauren Forster, Claire Francis, Emma Freeman, Jessica Fulford-Dobson, Julia Fullerton-Batten, Sophie Gerrard, Asimina Giagoudaki, Sophie Gladstone, Rachel Glass, Leo Goddard, Lydia Goldblatt, Ailbhe Greaney, Tamsin Green, Eleri Griffiths, Lenka Rayn H, Emma Hardy, Olivia Harris, Alicia Hart, Frederike Helwig, Clare Hewitt, Tina Hillier, Jane Hilton, Liz Hingley, Sasha Hitchcock, Caz Holbrook, Nancy Honey, Laura Hynd, Denisa Ilie, Susannah Ireland, Alison Jackson, Claudia Janke, Asa Johannesson, Francesca Jones, Heidi Jones, Dragana Jurisic, Tabitha Jussa, Sonal Kantaria, Minna Kantonen, Frances Kearney, Jane McLeish Kelsey, Phoebe Kiely, Kate Kirkwood, Hana Knizova,Karen Knorr, Karolina Konior, Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen, Sylwia Kowalczyk, Zoe Law, Sarah Lee, Alexandra Lethbridge, Lucy Levene, Jenny Lewis, Yushi Li, Andrea Liggins, Harriet Logan, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Kerry Lytwyn, Kirsty MacKay, Jane MacNeil, Amak Mahmoodian, Celine Marchbank, Maisie Marshall, Jenny Matthews, Felicity McCabe, Jan McCullough, Helen McGhie, Holly McGlynn, Wendy McMurdo, Carolyn Mendelsohn, Nadège Mériau, Lorna Milburn, Hope Miller, Margaret Mitchell, Caroline Molloy, Nicola Morley, Sophie Morris, Haley Morris-Cafiero, Trish Morrissey, Freya Najade, Ellen Nolan, Flannery Okafka, Casey Orr, Clare Park., Susie Parr, Jennifer Pattison, Polly Penrose , Claire Pepper, Eileen Perrier, Kate Peters, Suzanne Plunkett, Yan Preston, Magda Rakita, Lua Ribeira, Jennifer Robertson, Ally Robinson, Ellen Rogers, Danyelle Rolla, Chloe Rosser, Michelle Sank, Leonora Saunders, Kristina Sälgvik, Elisabeth Scheder-Bieschin, Louise Haywood Schiefer, Clémentine Schneidermann, Charlotte Schreiber, Jo Metson Scott, Arpita Shah, Carol Sharp, Vanessa Short, Abbie-Traylor Smith, Ellie Smith, Marta Soul, Annabel Staff, Kate Stanworth, Hannah Starkey, Monica Takvam, Alys Tomlinson, Nicola Tree, Mary Turner, Leticia Valverdes, Nana Varveropoulou, Eva Vermandel, Maryam Wahid, Madeleine Waller, Wei Wang, Becky Warnock, Sarah Weal, Sophie Wedgwood, Bella West, Liz Wewiora, Corinne Whitehouse, Luisa Whitton, Jan Williams, Mandy Williams, Hilary Wood, Jooney Woodward, Stephanie Wynne, Alice Zoo